For many years, Merton church has provided a beautiful setting for occasional events, including concerts, guided church tours for small groups, and Open Days with displays illustrating the rich heritage of the church, village and Merton estate. These events have been attended by local villagers, members of the wider community, and guests from as far away as Australia.
November was a quiet month for us at Merton but now with the arrival of December we once again have a busy few weeks ahead with which to finish the year. The highlight of the month will, as always , be the Candlelit Carol Service, which this year is to be held on Friday 20th December at 6.30pm and led by Rev’d Adrian Bell. The Church will be decorated by several of our flower arrangers together with a Christmas tree which is always much admired and of course there will be a selection of Festive refreshments after the Carol Service for everyone to enjoy.
So please do come along and join us, it is always a very special occasion at St. Peter’s Church.
Further news on this front In due course, for what it is considered will be encouraging times ahead for St. Peter‘s, Merton !
If you have any enquiries, please contact history@stpeterschurch-merton.org.uk