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Of Special Interest…..


  • The round flint tower, 42 feet tall, with double round-headed belfry openings.
  • The Nave and South Aisle windows – cusped Y-tracery, c. 1310-1330.
  • The north & south Chancel windows – Decorated plate tracery, c. 1310-1330.

North Porch

  • The holy-water stoup to left of the entrance; used until the Reformation for making the sign of the cross.
  • The plaque commemorating those members of the parish who “returned safely” from the First World War.


  • The Jacobean “two-decker” pulpit.
  • The finely carved early rood screen separating the nave from the chancel.
  • The rood stairs in the wall behind the pulpit; these formerly gave access to the roodloft over the screen.
  • The 15th century font. Its steepled wooden canopy, recently restored by a local craftsman, now stands in the chancel.


  • The rare three-sided “barley-twist” altar rails
  • The double piscina in the south wall; two bowls, one for rinsing the chalice and one for the priest’s hands.
  • The stepped triple sedilia; three stone seats of graded height, for the clergy during the long parts of the mass.

South Aisle

  • The Jacobean box pew for the de Grey family from Merton Hall.
  • This part of the South Aisle was formerly a chapel and has its own piscina and a hagioscope or “squint” to allow the priest at the chapel altar to synchronise with the service at the main altar.

Stained Glass

  • The north-east Chancel window; two of the saints date from the mid 1300s, though their faces are not original.
  • The east window (1855); twelve scenes from the life of Christ, painted mostly  by Emily Lady Walsingham.
  • The unusual glass sundial in the South Aisle, with a latin motto and a representation of a spider in one corner waiting to catch a fly!


Almost all the memorials are to members of the de Grey family, or their staff.

In the Nave…

  • The fine brass on the wall by the pulpit, showing William de Grey with his 2 wives, 5 sons & 5 daughters.
  • The Memorials to those who died in the two World Wars.
  • The marble angel over the north door.
  • The brass tablet to two brothers, Israel & John Buckle, gardener & gamekeeper on the Merton estate.

In the Box Pew…

  • The unusual late floor brass to Thomas de Grey.
  • Two distinctive wall tablets in a style influenced by Art Nouveau.

In the Chancel…

  • The memorial with an extravagant inscription in praise of Hardwick Sewell.
  • The carved oak reredos showing the Last Supper, given in memory of the Rev. George Crabbe, rector 1851-1884.
  • The marble tablet with a Latin inscription to Robert de Grey, a Catholic who was buried in this church although he had always refused to worship here.
  • The large memorial to Robert Arnold, “a faithful servant”.